We Help Manufacturers Grow Revenue


While many small – medium size Manufacturing organizations don’t have the luxury of Fortune 100’s multi-million dollar budgets to throw at problems, they still have the same, monumental challenges punching them in the face (Every. Single. Day.)… How to attract and delight customers.

Don’t get us wrong, it’s not that they don’t know how to attract or delight customers. They do. The real roadblock is scaling how they attract and delight their customers in a world that is different than when they started their business.

We built delmar to help Manufacturing organizations tackle this challenge with confidence.


The Problem

First, let’s take a look at how the revenue generation process looks for far too many brands

At the end of the sale process, you don’t know how you got it, why you won, and most importantly, how to repeat it. That creates a host of problems that put’s the entire company at risk.

It's risky strategy because its:

Not Repeatable

Not Predictable

Not Measurable

Not Trainable

Can't be automated

Minimal accountability

Requires an inordinate amount of manual effort


How Delmar Can Help Your Organization

There are a lot of pieces to pull together to make this work effectively and efficiently (best practices, technologies as an accelerator, and tried and true processes).

We do this every day.

What other Organization’s are saying


“If your organization is focused on growth, you should start working with Delmar today. I’m confident that they will roll up their sleeves, help you develop a strategy and work with you in the trenches (like they continue to work with us) until you have modernized the way your organization goes to market.”
Bob McAfee
AFFINIS® President

Customer Success Story


Success Story

Affinis® Modernizes Sales and Marketing Approach

Read the Success Story

Affinis pdf

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